Monday, February 28, 2011

If aliens came and took me...what would my children miss?

Have you all seen new previews of Disney's newest animated feature?  I have been watching the television lately and every time I see the commercial, I just laugh so I figured I would write about it.  In honor of the new movie "Mars needs Moms", I thought that it would be fun to do a top list of what would be the top ten things that my children would miss about me if I were abducted.  Given that I have three children I feel that each one would probably have different things about me that they would miss.   In true "Letterman" fashion, I will start at 10 and work my way down to one.

10.  My children would miss my shopping for all of their clothes for them.  They would have to purchase it themselves.

9.  My children would miss my reminding them to bring their clothes down to be washed.  Otherwise they would continuously wear filthy clothes.

8.  My children would miss my daily reminder to take a shower.  They would end up smelling like a foot on a daily basis.

7.  My children would miss my reminding them to brush their teeth.  If they didn't brush them, well they would all rot, fall out and they would look really goofy.

6.  My children would miss my contant seaching for deals which enables them to try out new venues that we normally would not be able to try.

5.  My children would miss the fact that I take care of the animals and would be forced to get out of bed to let the dog out at 4:00AM.

4.  My children would miss my giveaway entering for which they benefit from quite often with all kinds of goodies we wouldn't normally by.

3.  My children would miss my vacation planning and would be forced to be really bored and never get out of town every once in a while.

2.  My children would miss my grocery shopping because well they are all big eaters

And the number 1 thing that my children would miss is my cooking as for without it they would all starve.

Now, of course in there should be that they will miss my hugs and kisses and snuggles, but well actually that is probably the part that I would miss the most.  So what do you think that your children would miss about you?  Leave a comment and let me know!

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms blogging program, for a gift card worth $25. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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