Thursday, September 22, 2011

Temps are cooling off, time to get outside!

After a record year 100 degree plus days, I am super excited that things seem to be finally cooling off.  I tend to keep the kids inside more during those super hot days with the exception of taking them to the pool.  I find it is just too hot here in Houston to take them to the zoo and places like that.  Now that fall is coming (which is my favorite time of year) we can start doing all of the fun things that we had missed out on all summer We are a pretty active family.  We all enjoy football games, fishing, bike riding, playing in the park.  We play games like ladder ball and horseshoes. 

A year or so ago we actually tackled a new game that really we really enjoy.  We are learning how to play Frisbee golf.   This encompasses everything that I love about being out with my family.  Ironically enough there are frisbee courses all over the place.  And just like golf, each course seems to have its own personality complete with obstacles, but since it takes place in the woods, you also have the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty around you.

Another new thing that we tackled this year was camping.  We took all three children to the Sam Houston National Forest and this was a wonderful experience for everyone.  The kids got to fish all of the time, cook out on an open fire, set up camp sites and swim.  Needless to say that I was in desperate need for a washing machine and my own toilet, but well eventhough we all got dirty, I feel that it was a great experience for the children and I believe something that they will remember.

Speaking of dirty,  Clorox 2 is doing a promotion encouraging families to get outside and get dirty.  If you take their "Pledge to Play" you will also be entered into a sweepstakes with some pretty fantastic prizes.  Haven't you always wanted to take the kids to Yosemite National Park?  I can tell you that that vacation is already on our wish list and well if Clorox 2 wants to send us there, I would be nothing but thankful.

Here it the link to the contest:

So I encourage all of you to check out this awesome giveaway and get yourselves outside.  If you have a moment, I would love for you to share with me, what your family's favorite outdoor activities are.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Clorox2® blogging program, for a gift card worth $40. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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