Friday, May 13, 2011

Camping anyone?

Ok so I haven't been blogging as much as I have wanted to because I have been doing a writing job.  It is great, but focusing on that has caused me to lapse in my blogging time.  I am really excited that I just booked a weekend at a campground about an hour away.  There are still things that are yet to be determined about this trip.  One how I am going to get all five of us plus camping gear into one idea.  Also have you seen how much "stuff" you can buy to make camping more comfortable?  What do you need?  What don't your need?  I am like a kid in a candy store.  I mean i have never gotten excited about salt and pepper shaker but not they have a compact cute one for camping, I am all about it.  LOL Also the thought of three days without my bath tub is a bit concerning.  I think Samantha will have her first shower while camping.  Also we will need to pack a whole lot of food....I think I need to start listing...what do you think?  Any avid campers out there?  Best camping tips?

1 comment:

  1. Are you tent camping? I know you will have a great time... try to keep it simple, because everything you take, you will have to unpack, repack, keep up with, keep clean and dry, etc.
